Feeling left out
I am feeling left out of my family's life in Scotland. Lots of things are happening up there that I can't be there for, and other things I suspect are going on that I know they're keeping from me. Like, I saw pictures of the puppy on FB yesterday, in a babygro, with a caption from my sis saying 'poor wee Zara just back from her vet ordeal'. Apparently they decided not to let me know she was getting spayed yesterday. (I understand totally why, btw. They did the right thing by not putitng me through the stress and worry until the whole thing was over. But that's not to say it didn't make me feel totally left out when I found out about it through FB.)
I know i'm far too old to be bleating on like a child about this, but I hate feeling left out.
Does anybody else ever feel left out?