terms regularly used on DiS that you simply don't hear in real life...
Not injokes or user-specific stuff - obviously people don't run around shouting Moses Kiptanui, or eating SOAWJO in real life. More thinking about terms that DiSers drop into conversations regularly that simply aren't really things.
Some examples...
- Never heard anyone use the terms 'public sector' or 'private sector', anywhere. Normally, in the real world, if someone works in the Job Centre they just say they're a civil servant. If someone works for a bank they just say they work for a bank.
- The term 'passive-aggressive' doesn't really exist anywhere but the internet. Basically, it's just something what socially-feeble people use for a brief moment of high-horsery over someone who's marginally less feeble than them, innit.
- 'Dinner party'. Not ever have i heard someone say this to describe going round to someone elses house for food.
- 'Gourmet'. Even a word?
- 'Patriarchy', wtf even is this?