Dickish Flatmates (A slight return)
Everyone's favourite topic, right?
I go away for the weekend (it was my sisters birthday, I went visiting and ate lots of cake). I know my flatmates were having a party and offered up my room for people to crash in.
I got back this morning and nobody is in. I go in my room and my Hi-Fi is gone. I twig pretty quickly that it'll be in the kitchen - which it was. I'm pretty pissed off, it's not the best stereo in the world but I've spent a bit of money on it and they didn't even ask if they could borrow it.
So I spend 45 mins moving it back to my room and setting it up again and notice the volume is at twelve O'clock and the treble and bass controls are maxed. Now I start to worry. The amp is way too powerful for my speakers, 12 O'clock will kill them.
I stick a CD on and... well it doesn't sound good. Tweeters work fine, but main speakers are silent. So I stuck Angel by Massive Attack on, that intro has a good seperation of sounds. All treble, no bass. FUCKING CUNTS blew my speakers!!