Standing by and doing nothing when something or someone is wrong
I'll post this here because most people here seem to live in big cities
Last night I got on the tube from Angel and these two girls get on. One is virtually comatose, the other thinking this is hilarious
"I'll get you home, don't worry". She then runs off as the doors are closing laughing her head off leaving her friend basically drooling into the person next door to her who looks embarrassed. Then rolls her head to the other side where the person laughs to her friends. Both women I hasten to add.
After one stop I get on my knees in front of her to talk to her to make sure she knows where she is going. She doesn't. She thinks she's going to Barking but she's not sure. We're heading south on trhe Northern Line.
"What is your name? Stay awake... Stay awake... " gently slapped her at this point as she kept slipping into unconsciousness.
"Why are you so angry at me?"
Broke my heart. I think she'd been spiked. Some other girls said they'd make sure she got home OK. They were heading off to get the DLR so they propped her up and carried her off in the right direction. Woman she first rolled onto said "you're a gentleman, so very rare". I couldn't bring myself to say "you were shrugging her off your shoulder and wouldn't even look at her"
Friends have warned me that I shouldn't be so gung ho but I can't stand that a whole carriage just stood there and watched. Is this what we're heading towards? I know people in cities can be cold but this person was so obviously in distress but no-one did anything.
I'll get a kicking one day for interfering, no doubt but rather that than just stand by...
On an up note My Dying Bride was amazing last night