Books you were forced to read at school
I did English Lit for O-Level (GCSE to you lot) and had to read various books, plays, poetry. I didn't like much of it at the time, still don't care for some of it now... but some of it has stuck with me.
Cry The Beloved Country by Alan Paton - S African apartheid-era novel. Better than I remember (7 out of 10)
Lord Of The Flies by William Golding - Genuine classic. Probably my favourite of the ones I read at school (9/10)
Merchant Of Venice / Henry IV / Othello - still struggle to like Shakey. Far to melodramatic for my taste. Othello was probably my least worst (6/10)
Collected Poems of Thomas Hardy - Interesting. The Darkling Thrush is my all-time favourite poem now (8/10)
Brighton Rock by Graham Greene - another I grew to love (9/10)
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