Here's a good one
You're in the kitchen at about 3:15am, your body clock's shit and you've got into the habit of going to bed at about 5am. You're making yourself a bowl of cornflakes when you hear a thud against one of the windows. It makes you jump like mad obviously and your heart's pounding, you go to investigate and there's someone outside your house with a little chisel trying to prise open the window with the end of it. He sees you and gives you a thumbs-up sign to acknowledge you and then walks round to the door and knocks on it.
You open the door and he goes 'alright mate you've not got a crowbar or something have you? i'm just trying to break in' and you go 'yeah i'll just have a look mate' and start rooting around in one of the drawers in the kitchen looking for a crowbar