My flatmate stores her piss in her room
Ok so my flatmate stores her piss in her room, we found this out the other day when we were cleaning the flat whilst she was away for the weekend and she had left some stuff in the kitchen so one of us went into her room to put it on her bed and there were loads of different containers (juice bottles, milk bottles, mugs, glasses) just filled with piss lying all over the floor of her room and it smells absolutely vile.
It has now kind of become the hot topic of conversation in our circle of friends so when she is away, which is most weekends. People like to take a quick excursion into her room to see it for themselves and confirm that something so unbelievable is true. Obviously we presume that she doesn't know that any of us knows.
Her room is generally just a state, it's a miracle our other flatmate actually managed to see the piss-filled containers amongst all the crap on her floor. She has clothes everywhere on the floor and over her bed and hasn't had a duvet or bed sheets for the duration of living here. She seems to be a mess in all aspects of her life. She owes me and another flatmate money for bills, had a job but lost it because she would go into work drunk from the night before, only has three hours of uni a week to keep her preoccupied and just goes out and gets pissed (no pun intended) most nights of the week. So yeah just a state really.
So this behaviour was all fairly ok because it hasn't really affected the rest of our flat (apart from when she throws up in the shower and doesn't clean it up when we tell her to) very much really, been easy to turn a blind eye to it. But it has now reached a critical mass because I got a text from our landlady yesterday saying that we need to have just a general tidy as she is coming round on Wednesday with a surveyor to value the flat which she does every few years apparently.
We've all generally tidied up the flat and asked her to clean her room up in a way that didn't mention the piss but it doesn't seem like she is going to do it and I've had surveyors round places I've stayed before and they do tend to be very thorough so he/she and our landlady will almost certainly go into her room and see it the way it is just now. Which could have all sorts of implications on us / be embarrassing for the girl/ shit for the landlady having someone to value her flat walk in on a room full of piss.
So my questions for you wise ladies and gents of DIS are:
1. Is her issue some sort of medical condition?
2. How can we mention the piss issue to her?
and most importantly,
3. How do we have her room respectable by tomorrow afternoon?