i'm not really a fan of takeaway portion sizes, i have to be honest...
I've never been happy with them, really. Don't think i've ever bought a takeaway and not regretted it about halfway through. The portion sizes are well too big - all takeaways, most foods. Sure, some places offer different size potrions, but even just the standard one, that's too much greasy food for me, even for someone built like a proper man.
Not a problem, you just get one portion of something plus one rice and split it between two people, right? right? WRONG. For some reason this is frowned upon, even if you let the other person pick what it is.
If buying for more than two people, i try to use my loaf a bit - get, say, 3 portions of rice between 5 people. Again, frowned upon. Just looks like you're trying to save money.
It's fine, i think, you don't have to eat it all, just save a bit for tomorrow, but it doesn't really work. What sort of man are you if you have to leave a bit over 'til tomorrow?
Ideally, what i want, is portions to be around two thirds of the size they are now, and ideally for the price to drop thereafter. Are we agreed, or has the world made you so passive that you're happy enough with things as they are?
I'm prepared to offer you 15% equity in my idea, in return for £85k.
Thanks for listening.
People without life experience need not reply.
(Wow. I feel cleansed).