The newbie opposite me is proper weird
The newbie opposite me does this really weird thing when he's drinking. He's got an Oasis mug (band not drink) and when he gets to the end of his drink he kind of turns it upside down and sucks at it, like he's giving it a horrible snog, like the kind you'd have to wipe your face afterwards. He only seems to do it in the afternoon. I don't think he knows anyone can see him coz he does some creepy smile as well, but there's a gap between my monitor and his that frames his face. It gives me the fucking creeps but I can't tear my eyes away from it.
ALSO when we asked if he was coming to the xmas do he went CERTAINLY NOT like that. There was something else as well. Oh yeah when I stand next to him to ask if he wants a brew he looks intimidated by me, and I'm by no means an intimidating man. He's fucking weird.
OH YEAH and yesterday someone said he's got holidays to take before the end of the year or he'll lose them and he said is there anything you can do if you don't want to take them coz he doesn't feel like he deserves them. We're not a fucking charity mate, get a grip