More shite about dates
So, you went on a date with someone. It went well, you’re into them, and they appear to be into you. You went home with them and all that.
The next morning, they say to you, ‘I really enjoyed last night’ etc. and suggest a second date. You’re like, ‘Yeah, sure, let me know when you’re free and we can arrange something’.
Cue several days passing between text messages where they text you suggesting a date, you agree to it, but they don’t text back to confirm a place/time/activity. They usually text a couple of days after when the date was supposed to be, asking how you’ve been/what you’ve been up to/if you’d be free to meet up any time soon, etc., as if the previous texts hadn’t happened.
What do you do? Ditch the flake? Text them referring to the inability to get a second date together? Obv can’t JBHR.