When do you put your Christmas decorations up?
Just want to nip this in the bud early doors before the emotionally-unbalanced people get too giddy. Sure this thread has probably been done before, but we'll live...
- 12 days before and 12 days after is supposedly the right answer, but CLEARLY you don't want a tree up into January.
- Personally, i think it's fine to just put them up the day before Christmas Eve and take them down the day after Boxing Day as i'm a grown-up and that.
- At an absolute push, and to prove i'm not a miseryguts, i'll allow anything from 1st December onwards, but you should take them down by the time the New Year rolls through.
Surely, we all agree that people who put their decorations up in November, even October (i shit you not, there are some of these people near me), should be steralised, locked up, arguably drowned?