A thread about jealousy
jealousy is awful, innit?
I had a fit of mad jealousy, back in the day. in hindsight, it was probably more about my insecurities than the ex.
anyway, when we first got together, she used to tell me about this guy who she went to uni with. he was great, according to her. loved to surf, a real party animal etc. already, I was beginning to HATE this chump.
for some reason (and I wish I hadn't) I asked her if she had ever slept with him 'yes' was the awful, awful answer. my heart sunk. this guy was everything I wasn't (or so I thought)
my head was done in for a couple of months - I was CONVINCED she was still sleeping with him - why wouldn't she be?!
I became a sneaky mother fucker, trying to catch her out sending texts and stuff. this shit was eating me up inside. it was awful.
one day I confronted her about it. it was almost the end of things as she said (quite rightly) that she didn't want to be with someone who didn't trust her. she cried a lot over the next few weeks, if I remember correctly. bad times all round.
it took a lot of self discipline to kick this idiotic behaviour into touch, but I vowed from that moment on that I would never not trust anyone again. my trust issues really stem from the way my dad would always let me down, but that's for another thread guys. not now.
feel free to talk about about jealousy - whether you've been jealous of a partner, or a victim of it
cheers. this is a great, thought provoking thread. they always are