Some memos on my phone I'd like to dispose of
Feel like you've done the misery a disservice by laughing at something later on - this is about when you're depressed all day but then you laugh at something and you're almost annoyed that you've nulled the depression as though it didn't cripple you at the time. Cheapened it.
Frog zapst child - Froglet and Zapsta are expecting their first little Zaplet together. Mummy in great spirits, healthy, 4 months gone, Zapsta quoted as wanting a boy and then 10 more so he can make his own little footy team
Put down knives pick up spraycans - On the walk home from work I go through a subway and someone had graffiti'd it with this statement. A week later 'spraycans' had been replaced with 'mexicans'.
Loop of misery, dont like yourself so you like opposite of you, dont like yourself because youre opposite - This is about liking someone who is the complete opposite of yourself because you don't like yourself, but then not liking yourself because you're the complete opposite of someone that you like
Hand gesture to indicate sorry my fault - There's no universal hand gesture for sorry. If you're not within talking or shouting distance of someone you need to apologise to there's not much you can do to indicate it.
Lights dim perfect bus passenger - Someone gets onto a bus with the exact change for their journey, disposes of the ticket in the ticket bin, sits down then five minutes later vacates their seat for an elderly person. The lights dim and the bus driver stops the bus, gets out of his chair and awards the passenger a trophy and a years bus pass for being the perfect bus passenger. Confetti in the air.