which is the worst way that you have 'honoured the fallen'
I went to the cinema yesterday morning and was taking a piss in a stinky trough when an announcement came over the tannoy 'please remain silent for the next two minutes to remember our fallen heroes'
fuck! I felt awful. not only had I completely forgotten about the two minute silence, I was also taking a piss in a stinking trough.
there was another chap in the loo, washing his hands at the time. I realised I was the bad guy here, or at least, he wasn't as bad as me as he didn't have his penis in his hand at the time.
this troubled me slightly for the rest of the day and some way into the evening. what a complete cunt, I am.
suffice to say, I'll be laying a wreath next year (I wont)
is this a thread? nah