Mel Brooks (filmnerdcentric)
Used to love Mel Brooks when I was much younger. My dad was a fan. We'd bond. It was nice.
Recent events have shaken my faith though.
Obviously everything post-Spaceballs is terrible- that's an established fact- fine.
But I watched Blazing Saddles the other day with the boy and it was REALLY hit and miss - the race stuff is brilliant and Gene Wilder and Cleavon Little are hilarious but there's a LOT of unfunny stuff too, even taking into account the dated references. Now starting to thin that maybe Richard Pryor wrote all the funny bits.
Watched Spaceballs about a year ago and that was absolutely shite. The Producers- fair enough.
I'm now terrified of watching Young Frankenstein in case that's not as good as I remember it either.
I presume Men In Tights is rubbish (didn't laugh when it came out). Never seen the Dracula one but this must be crap as well.