The Something Serious NYE Extravaganza is BACK!!!!!
Yes. We're back. And bigger than ever. Taking on The Good Ship (gonna drink loads of me own booze sssshhhh)
It’s back.
After a fallow year the legendary Something Serious NYE Extravaganza returns, this year to the equally legendary The Good Ship in Kilburn.
It’s the absolute perfect way to see off the joy that was 2012. Party into the small hours recapturing the wonderful summer when everyone came together before waking up with a hangover in 2013 and realising that we’re all absolutely done for.
Something Serious play indie, pop, rock n roll with a dash of electro as the sprinkles on top. From LCD Soundsystem to Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Arctic Monkeys to Hot Chip via Robyn with guest appearances by Shakey and The Boss, we guarantee to make you dance until your feet smoke. We can’t wait.
We’re also big fans of democracy and will be bringing back our infamous midnight song vote, which just like real democracy only gives the illusion that you have a choice
Tickets are on sale NOW! £10 (+bf)
Available here:
facebook shiz:
We're also DJing The Good Ship on Fri 16 Nov too till 4am which will be pretty boss.
And yes, there's a playhouse NYE. No whining please, think about lucky you are to have two incredible things to chose between