Social dilemma sort of thing
So, through work I’ve been invited to a black tie dinner. I don’t want to go really, but I have to, as my boss doesn’t want to but we have to *show our faces at this sort of thing*. The dilemma is I’ve got a plus one and have no idea who to give it to. As far as I see I have a few options:
a) Hire one of those escorts that specifically do these sort of events
b) Invite a girl on a *date* and take the risk that between then and now we’ll fall out etc
c) Invite a female friend, and take the risk that we’ll get really drunk and jeopardise my career
d) Go on my own, and sit in silence feeling like a forever alone dork
So yeah, what should I do? If I go for C) do I take someone who can schmooze or someone I’ll have more fun with? Help me guys, or I’ll break and invite my ex.