Describe your house
so the reader can get a mental picture of the layout etc.
starting at the front door.
I have 3 quite steep steps to get to the front door. people always comment about how steep they are, but as I have quite long legs, it's no real issue to me.
Through the front door, you have a hallway with stairs directly ahead. we'll deal with the upstairs in a minute.
take maybe 5 adult steps into hall and there is a dining room/front room combo thing to your right. quite big, actually. enough to fit maybe 45 people (standing, not moving)
back into the hall, there is a kitchen at the other end of the house. man...this is a small kitchen. like REALLY small. out the back door you have a yard which is partially decked. the decking is pretty green and needs treating, if I'm gonna be honest. very, very slippery when wet. there are maybe 10 pots with different plants and shit in, an old bike and a couple footballs (both flat)
back inside, up the stairs (about 12) there is a toilet/bathroom directly in front of you. it's ridiculously small, although the bath is a good size. don't like the idea of having a toilet in the same room as a bath, but that's the way it goes in this house.
turn round 180 and there are two further stairs leading to a spare bedroom on your left (full of shit, no-one could sleep in there) and a master bedroom directly ahead. it's actually a really good sized room. pretty happy with this aspect of the house, as it goes.
I have a loft, but I've never been in there. that is in the normal place.
so yeah, that's my house. number 64.
Having typed all this, I realise it's another rubbish thread, but I'm gonna post it anyway and await the inevitable ridicule.