Its bloody odd, isn't it?
How It was obvious in the 70s and 80s how people in positions of power were more able to get away with bad stuff and cover it up, than people who are not in postitions of great power.
So catholic clergy abuse of the vulnerable was covered up to a criminal extent, was finally exposed...........but we had to wait for ages (and no proper examination of other powerful positions was undertaken) until it becomes public that other very powerful people have managed to keep their abuses hidden.
So now that the church, celebrities and politicians are publically now recognised as possibly be places that abusers can cover up, do we think there are any other areas where such people can remain hidden?
Will newsnight examine the wider implications that positions of extreme power enable the hiding of misbehaviour, and try to inject some sort of proposition to combat this at a legislative level?
I dont think so
will this thread get any replies?
I dont think so