people who pretend that certain alcoholic drinks are well-matched to certain types of food.
absolute scrotums, one and all.
for instance, i enjoy a glass of red wine as much as the next person. not really a fan of white wine, cos, y'know, it's for birds and generally tastes like muck, all that. if i was eating, say, a pasta dish instead of a meat dish, i wouldn't try switching my drink to something i didn't like, there's simply no point.
happens with ales, as well. now, i'm well into my ales, and i like to think i know my onions, but some people give it the "yeah, it's autumn now, think i'm gonna swap the pale ales for chocolate stouts". cunts. i'll just have whatever one i think tastes nicest.
read some dick yesterday saying "yeah, Zinfandel goes really, really superbly with burgers". U wot, mate?
genuinely cracks me up that people get paid to recommend slightly different wines to people, but moreso that people don't really trust their own judgement.
over to you for your "yeah, actually, chardonnay goes quite well with vietnamese food"/"you're just a bit of a luddite" stuff.
(something about a can of Stella and a banana).