What's the cut-off time for phone calls? (unless in an emergency)
I had a call from an electrician at 07.45am this morning. I didn't answer it, but he wants to do some wire work this week. bit early, mate?
In another example of a true thing that happened to me, some prick girl called me at 2.30 in the morning, to tell me that she had been out drinking vodka all day and she was very pissed. I congratulated her and put the phone down, explaining the inappropriateness of this late call. She sent me a couple stupid texts telling me I'm boring, which I have to agree with - and that was that.
So - here are the timescales I have thought about as being the industry standard for phone calls.
9am on weekdays - anything before that and that's it. me and you are dust
10pm on weeknights - half 9, really. but 10pm is OK, depending on who it is and what they want
weekends - 10am and midnight
getting a bit bored of writing this now
agree, if you like.