tuesday afternoon - everlution
so i know i know, it's a broad subject but let's get down to it (inspired by the balls thread)
we are to believe that everything used to be fish, and fish came out, and evolved into different things. is that right? does that mean everything sort of descends from reptiles? or is there some other stage i don't know about. like, do all 4 legged mammels (horse and cow) come from the same thing? did a few different fish type creatures come out which is why we have things like birds and cats which are totally different to each other. how accurate is the pearl jam video?
i understand that a longed neck giraffe will be able to eat and survive and so he is likely to have children which will then inherits its long neck. that is how it works isn't it?
what about further back than giraffes though. that's the bit i don't get