So, I think I might have had my drink 'spiked' over the weekend
Hi. I had a party on Saturday night and it was pretty great.
However, around midnight I hit what I can only describe as a 'wall'
I was pretty much unable to speak after this point, but it wasn't drink related. Firstly, I was concious that I had to remain super cool and not get too drunk. The party was at my house, after all. Secondly, I have been blind drunk many times and it didn't ever feel like this.
It was really odd. I was not swaying all over the place like a pissed up prick, I was just unable to function like a normal human being. Does this make sense?
A couple of people independently have asked whether I had taken anything - Ketamin specifically.
What the hell, man?!1 this ain't my bag. fuck that shit.
So, I can only assume someone thought it'd be a nice surprise for me to get completely wasted and just float around for hours, spurting incoherent nonsense. Just for the laughs, innit.
Who would do this? and why? Don't like this sort of behaviour....
Questions -
Have you ever been 'spiked' to your knowledge?
How does Ketamin make you feel? as I say, I felt like I was floating, completely detached from everything and everyone around me and couldn't construct words into normal sentences. It was WEIRD, man.
My final point - anyone who does this to a 'mate' is a complete question.
let me know what you know...