Uh-oh. I've being travelling completely the wrong way in to work for 11 weeks.
Since i started my new job, I've been doing a 50-60 minute journey and crying about how awful the central line is. I've been to view flats which are on different lines because I want to move because i can't do the central line any more. I can't bear subjecting my lovely clean clothes and freshly washed hair and body to that smoggy, festering cesspit. Despite being immaculately groomed when I left my flat at 8, when I got to work at 9, I looked like a combo of worzel gummidge (hair EVERYWHERE) and aunt sally (pink cheeks. SO hot on there.)
One of the interns (not that one) just caught me furiously dabbing a coffee stain off my dress, an accident that was sustained on the central line this morning by some momo spilling it down my front. Who THE FUCK takes coffee onto the central line between 8 and 9? We got talking about my commute (I swear, I am close to tears about it most days.)
It turns out, if I get the DLR EAST instead of west and pick up the jubilee line at heron quays/ canary wharf, I will cut my journey to less than half and i will get a seat.
I am SO HAPPY. And so fucking stupid. Mostly happy :)
Let's be having some of your realisatoins. Or you can just tell me how stupid i am for not using the TFL app properly in the first place.