US Election Thread.
Definitely watching this bad boy.
Got a question, though - Reports point to a narrow win for Obama. How is that the case? I understand Americans are frustrated with the ecomomy, but the reasoning of pretty much anyone i've heard interviewed seems to be "ROMNEY R BUSINESSMAN, HE MAKE ECONOMY GOOD COS GOOD AT BUSINESS", which to me doesn't really make that much sense, but there ya go. On the other side of this, there's the fact that he's clearly an idiot and clearly fucking mental.
Don't get me wrong, i'm not your typical Obama fanboy, but i just think it's a bit crazy how someone like Romney's even a contender, though, yeah, Bush got in, Palin was a heart attack away from it, etc, etc, and i understand that most of central America is deeply Republican/racist, etc.
Please don't get frustrated at my over-technical understanding of American politics. I can slow it all down a bit for you if you want; make it a bit less TECHNICAL.
Thanks in advance for your learne'd responses, and good morning America.