Films you have watched recently
Yeah that old chestnut. Please say what you thought of them also so we may bicker. Unless you've just seen The Tree Of Life. Keep that to yourself.
This week I watched
BEING ELMO - the story of the guy who operates Elmo & came up with his persona. He seemed to be a great guy and just really into what he was doing. There was a bit that made me upset but that would be spoiling it.
AI WEIWEI - NEVER SORRY - a bit of the ongoing story of Ai Weiwei. Aside from the insane amount of activism he has a cat that can open doors
HIMIZU - this might be my favourite film of the year, p intense film about teenagers neglected/abused by their parents in Japan & how they try to be good people in spite of it all. Tied in w/the 2011 earthquake/tsunami really well. It's written/directed by Sion Sono who also wrote/directed Love Exposure.