Awkward thing happening to me in real time ( evening thread)
I'm on a train to London. Before leaving I added someone on Facebook, cause I needed to make her an admin of a page. After about 5 minutes at my seat I notice the girl diagonally across from me looks a lot like her. Can't be sure that it is so I start typing on her Facebook wall something like 'someone on my train is the spitting image of you/ hi if it is you! ' but I'm not sure if it posted. Then I realised that she could see the reflection in the window so could know that I have been on her Facebook (and either just think I have been looking At it cause we just become friends or that I know it's her and I'm just being rude by not saying hi - she's being rude too then obviously). Basically I'm pretty sure we both know what's going on here and we're both socially inept. I have to be engrossed in the Internet for the next two hours then when we 're getting off got OH HI I THOUGHT IT WAS YOU.
There's also a good chance someone she knows posts on here going by her Facebook friends. Does this happen to other people too? Can she just not see me/ recognise me?