Weirdest ways in which you have been snubbed on a date
or most ridiculous.
I was on a date a few weeks back and it was going well. She was laughing at the right times and seemed genuinely interested in what I was about.
Anyway, she saw my phone and asked if it was an S3. I said yes, thinking it was.
Honestly, the atmosphere changed almost immediately. She started looking at her watch and telling me that she had to get up early in the morning. All because I didn't know the difference between an S2 and an S3. I do now, btw.
She left maybe 10 minutes later and that was that. TBH, she had quite fat fingers, which I couldn't stop looking at, so maybe this was a good thing in the long run.
Another time, I was chatting to this girl and we were getting on well. So well, in fact, that she said she'd quite like to get a bottle and hang at my place. At this point, and as I'm a good guy, I thought it only fair that I tell her about my intimacy issues. BAM! game over. Couldn't get away quick enough. what the hell, man?!1
No more examples forthcoming.
Someone else, maybe?