WWE Hell In A Cell Thread
So it's time to crack open the beers and watch some WRASLIN'
It's on Sky Sports this time round and mercifully due to the clocks going back it's on at Midnight this time around, huzzar! As is par for the course these days the Hell In A Cell means absolutely nothing and might as well not exist but does add an air of mystery to the main event with CM Punk & Ryback as they can't do a DQ finish.
WWE Championship Hell In A Cell
CM Punk Vs Ryback -> CM Punk will win, cannot see them putting the belt onto Ryback. Don't think it'll be any good either, even if CM Punk bumps his arse off for Ryback, but it's the most intrigued I've been for a main event in quite some time.
World Championship Hell In A Cell
Sheamus Vs The Big Show -> Will also probably be pretty shitty, has been built up fairly well, as I like the 'Whose Finisher Is Best' kind of storylines but I have no interest in either guy. Big Show wins & because of the storyline drops the belt to Ziggler in record time.
Randy Orton Vs Alberto Del Rio -> Probably be a good match in the ring but I have no interest in either guy. Del Rio will win
WWE Tag Team Championship Match
Team Hell No Vs Team Rhodes Scholars -> Probably the only match I'm looking forward to as I like everyone & their current gimmicks in this match. Hell No to retain
WWE Intercontinental Title Match
The Miz Vs Kofi Kingston - Kingston retains, should be a decent match, I hear Miz is going to receive a push so I'm sort of interested in what they will do post match.
Divas Title Match
Eve Torres Vs Kaitlyn Vs Layla -> Layla and Eve could put on a good match but any hopes of a decent divas match for a change are dashed by Kaitlyn. Who cares? I Don't... Eve to retain
Yeah, doesn't look it'll be a good show, a lot of potentially awful matches here & the is not a single match that could steal the show. HOWEVER expect a few 'moments' to happen, so thankfully it's free and thankfully due to the clocks it's on earlier because this can be quite hard to sit threw. I also don't give a shit about HIAC matches anymore because they mean nothing & are a concept that doesn't work without blood.
Expecting a bonus tag match between the Prime Time Playas and Rey Mysteri/Sin Cara
The Preshow is a Q&A with John Cena.... wow