have you ever considered taking up a religion?
as you all know, i no longer support, or even follow a football team. i've also stopped drinking heavily. given these two life changes, i've quickly noticed that they were the two things i most had in common with people, and as such i've started to consider life's bigger questions.
last year i did a bit of travelling and was briefly taken under the wing of local families and that through people wot i met. the norm in Eastern Europe, from what i saw, involved weekends spent with the whole extended family, making food, going to church, and just chillaxing in eachothers company. compeltely at odds with a standard forzaborza weekend - up to ten games of football, a crate of lager and a couple of frozen pizzers.
at the minute, i'm working with some Muslims. sound lads, one and all. they're all married, abstain from drink and drugs, work hard, spend any spare time with their families and just seem a lot happier and driven than your average British person.
also been watching a programme on ITV about Jews. again, a big emphasis on family, and a common bond via their faith. again, they just seem much happier than your average person and enjoy a greater sense of community.
i mean, i'm a man of importance, with keen interests and that, but despite knowing that most religions are based on shite, and strongly believing in science, i've been started to wonder if the good of having a faith might outweigh the bad.
ultimately, i think a faith-following Britain was probably better than current Britain, and communities of people who follow a religion probably safer, more understanding and productive than those that don't.
anyway, i'd like to think i'm too smart to fall for any one faith, but sober and football-free, i'm interested in delving into some of them a little further, as ultimately, i think it will make me a better person.
i guess to make this not all about me, i should probably ask if any of you are open-minded or reasonable enough to consider religion, or if you've got to that point of your lives yet where you realise things are more important than sport, money and being self-centered?
this had been cathartic.
soemthing about zxcvbnm's mum.