Weird sexual bits and bobs
It's Sex Wednesday, innit?
I was seeing this woman who cried when she was getting aroused. There were no actual tears, but she was definitely crying. This was BLOODY HORRIBLE. Didn't like it one bit. She also did opera singing on climax. no shit. She did have an amazing voice, tbf.
Another girl actually did a full piss in my bed on climax. what the hell! seriously, I had to chuck the mattress away the next day after a failed attempt to clean it with car shampoo.
Had a few requests to go violent on their ass, too. like strangling and shit! come on, this is not cool, man. I draw the line at a chinese burn.
There are more examples, but I don't want to come across as an arrogant prick who has had LOADS of women in his bed over the years. not my game, maaaan.
Maybe you talk now...
Think I might regret this thread *post it*