How the fuck do i get my eye to stop twitching
i know it means i'm evil/guilty conscience or something, i don't care i just want it to stop. It was happening in my seminar today and i was sitting opposite someone whilst my eye was twitching like a half dead dog and it was really embarrassing.
Another embarrassing thing that happened in my seminar is i picked up my coat and got ready to put it on when we were still all sitting down, and the zip brushed against the chair exactly where my arse is and made a fart noise. I was sitting next to a really quiet spanish girl that i quite fancy cos she has a nice bum and stuff, but now she thinks i fart in seminars so it's basically over between us.
Now i'm back home and the idiot in the flat above me is playing his `song` on acoustic guitar which basically just involves him playing the most ANNOYING melody you could imagine over and over and over.
Yeah anyway, i dunno.