DiS play by PM fantasy football type thing SEASON II: THE RESURRECTION
So forzaborza retired due to becoming a professional angler or something. I said I'd take over and kick things off some time in October. So that's what I'm doing.
THE LOWDOWN: it's a highly subjective (but based in statistics and logic) play by private message football management game. We did a 15 game season earlier in the year and it was really good fun. People submit teams and tactics to me each week and I work out who deserves to win based on this. Also, obviously on how good their teams are. Each player in the game is given an overall score out of 100. This time I'm going to do it slightly differently to forzaborza by making it more based in knowledge of the players strengths and weaknesses. So if a player has a score of 90 out of 100, he's gonna be pretty good, but while he might be lightning quick, he might be completely inable to head the ball. These abilities will be hidden, and you'll have to do your homework.
For those of you that don't know, I've been working for Sports Interactive who make Football Manager, so I'll have access to an extensive and accurate database when initiating the game. The reason I haven't kicked this off already is I've been proper busy there making sure stuff is working. The game is out at the start of November though so I will have time to kick this off in early November. The players in this game will largely be based on the stats in their database, so if you want to be totally up to speed on the players, then I highly recommend buying the game. :D
For now, if you are interested in taking part please register your interest. We had 16 teams last season, and this was simply too many. At least 3 or 4 players every week would forget or simply not bother to submit a team, so I'm going to streamline.
This season I am going to keep it to TEN teams. There will be a game once a week, probably on Sundays. If there is enough interest from people I think I can trust and rely on I might extend it to 12 teams. Once I have gauged the interest, I'll be asking every potential manager to submit a sort of short CV and covering letter of their managerial capabilities, and an assurance that they will do their utmost to get their teams to me every week. This sounds a bit OTT and serious, but this isn't a real job so feel free to make it humorous and we can share them all if people are cool with that. The best 10 (or 12) candidates get to play.
Register your interest / banter here. More techy stuff like stats and rules and everything will get decided in the coming weeks, I'll be consulting with forzaborza. Please feel free to make any suggestions like improvements you'd like to see on the first season. Let's get managing!