Do you (consciously or otherwise) only date people that are from the same class as you?
LOL, like any of you virgins have ever been on a date eith *anyone* etc etc.
According to the latest Guardian troll piece, "people are more likely than ever to marry into their own class, as a report from the Institute for Public Policy Research showed this year. Of people born in 1958, just over a third of women had a partner from the same class as themselves: 38% married up, while 23% married down. For those born in 1970, 45% married into the same class; of those born between 1976 and 1981, 56% married into the same class, with a far smaller proportion (16%) marrying up."
I guess you could put most of this down to the fact that the 'middle class' (or at least those identifying themselves as such) has swelled massively in that time (thanks, Maggie) so it's easier or more likely that you'll date someone from the same class just in terms of numbers.
But anyway, this thread's not really about that, it's about your hilariously inept love lives. So yeah, have you ever dated 'up' or dated 'down', to use the language of the Guardian article?
Hmmm, interesting...