tell me about the last work-related course you went on...
talking more external courses where you go, either with colleagues from different departments, branches, or even people from completely different companies, etc, than just in-office stuff.
i mean, obviously it's difficult for a man of my means to really upskill much more, but i like to go on these sort of things occasionally just to keep the troops happy.
they're fucking shite, aren't they?
everyone i've been on has been pretty much the same - one proper meek woman, like Ashley the Butcher's wife off Corrie, desperately trying to play mum and teach people stuff they already know, proper protective of he pens; one absolute gobshite who spends all day trying to be teacher's pet, then a few people secretly having existential breakdowns.
been on a course with a guy this week who just basically talked about himself all day, every day - knew everything, done every job under the sun, lived in every country in the world, got every qualification under the sun, apparently. don't think i've ever wanted to seriously harm another person more.
anyway, people who like the sound of their own voices - always vulgar, never interesting.