I just went on an adventure
to see a DiSer for coffee. He works in TV *does jazz hands*. I'm jealous of his brilliant place of work.
In his canteen, there were a whole load of very orange looking girls with big hair and cheap looking clothes (one had shoes that looked like they were made out of laundry baskets) who were there to audition for a TV game show. Then there was a big commotion and some orange guy who looked like an ape with downs syndrome appeared! And all the girls went 'oooooooh' and started patting their hair and adjusting their milkers, and clamouring to get his autograph/ photo. Apparently his name is mark wright and he was on towie or BB or something.
And then I had to come back to work and look at a DEBENTURE and i want to die. However, on the way back I got a cheese and onion sandwich from M&S and it's quite good. I'm about half way through it. Not sure I'll finsih it sin e the intern got me a cinnabon doughnut earlier <3
Shoot! >>>>>