Does anyone watch Boardwalk Empire?
I've been a loyal watcher since the first series, which was amazing.
Second series was pretty good too.
The third series is only three episodes in and I'm already losing interest. I think they've ruined it.
**Spoilers from 2nd series**
Killing Jimmy and his wife off in s2 was an absolute disaster. They were by far the most interesting aspect of it and Jimmy was central to the programme. Steve Buscemi, for all his talents, can't hold this up on his own.
The plot has suffered more than anything. I couldn't care less about Nelson's new life as a salesman or how Jimmy's mum's whore-house is getting on. Mainly, why on earth they're giving this pre-natal clinic thing so much screen-time is beyond me.
It's gone from stories of great magnitude (the plot to overthrow Nucky) to things that relatively just don't really matter. The main antagonist is somebody who doesn't like Nucky because he's easily offended.
Unless they turn it round in the next couple of episodes, I think it's doomed.