dontknowwhoyouarepal, SiousieSioux, Fullstop, other AQOS last-placers
I call for a set of rules to govern this.
Anyone can come bottom of AQOS (well, apart from me, obvs). All you need is links and nonsensical answers. However, I think it's time we have a defined code to adhere to, and to everyone who partakes in it.
The fiddygents of this world are all high-fallutin', premier league douchebags with their own rules. Let's set somethign up for the race to the bottom
Here's what I'm proposing
1) No, or only one, youtube link(s) allowed.
2) Must be a legitimate answer to the question (ie if the q is 'a country' don't just say 'CRICKET' or something like that) or funny.
3) I've forgot this one.
This isn't going to work is it.