i think my poor old cat is going senile
the signs
•he used to shit in other people's gardens and spend ages burying it. now he shits in the middle of the grass in our garden just leaves
•he used to chase birds/kill mice all the time even though he's disabled and a bit shit at hunting. now he doesn't care if they're strutting right past him (which they often do)
•when i shoo him off a bed he used to understand and not come back, now he always comes back. just got him off my brother's bed and he came back about 5 seconds later. LOOK
•when i toss a cat treat outside he takes ages to find it when it's right there and it's a bit heartbreaking
•he's still got a phantom leg even though he got his leg amputated in 2005, this isn't the senility but omg cat are you broken