Hey I just met you, and this is crazy, but I've got quiz questions. Answer them, maybe?
Be honest, you've missed this
1) What is the only anagram of the word MANIAC?
2) Solve the ditloid
22 p on a M b
3) Solve this dingbat
1. cost 2. price
3. rate 4. value
4) Name a year in the life of Johann Strauss
5) This is the old flag of which country?
6) If a brick ways 1kg plus half a brick, how much must it weigh?
7) What do you call a sugar dispenser with holes in the top?
8) Which part of a plant receives pollen at pollenation?
9) Name this famous type of car. No, it isn't a camaro
10) Crpytic clues for...films! Guess the films from the clues
The mask of Simba's uncle
The French emperor will blow you apart
11) Name the actor/actress who links the following three films
Cars, Towering Inferno, Road to Perdition
12) Which group, still active, got its name from the UFOs and various aerial phenomena that were reported by Allied aircraft pilots in World War II?
13) How old is Bart Simpson?
14) What did Elizabeth I, most popes and Adolf Hitler all insist on having at the dinner table?
15) Which stretch of water separates Italy and Sicily?
16) What did the Great Britain receive for its victory in the Opium Wars?
17) Which is the only South East Asian country never to have been colonised by Europeans?
18) Where was the largest surrender of British-led military personnel in history?
19) Which company is the world's largest distributor of toys?
20) What does 'DYB DYB DYB' mean in the Boy Scouts?