There is only one thing worse than a bad loser...
and that's a bad winner.
eg I used to play this kid at Pro Evo. he was a machine and would regularly destroy me 9-0. in fact, over the course of a couple months, he had a 26-0 record. he ALWAYS used to rub my nose in it.doing dances round me and generally being a dick. I was too high to care, tbh.
anyway, one day, I managed to scrape a 1-0. dunno how. it was an awful game and I got a penna after 80 odd mins.
well....he went MENTAL at the final whistle. threw the controller (mine) down on the floor and literally stormed out!! haha.
I text(ed) him later to remind him he had crushed me 26 times previously, but he was having none of it.
so, this is an example of a bad winner and a bad loser
please give me examples
I have not proof read this, so it may be all over the place.