Do you have much random clutter in your house?
My new flatmate moved in a couple of weeks (I sung her praises in another thread). Lovely girl. But she's brought loads of unnecessary household items with her.
My general rule of thumb is:
If it's not needed or doesn't provide aesthetic appeal to a room/the house, don't have it, or if you have to have it, store it away somewhere where I can't see it.
Now this rule is being violated by her:
- Putting fridge magnets on the fridge. I don't see the point of a fridge magnet. I liked my parent's old fridge because it had a fake-wooden exterior and you couldn't put any fridge magnets on it.
- CD rack in the living room. No need. You can put the CD's in the drawers in the big dressing room table we got in the corner. Problem with one of those vertical CD racks is that someone will nudge into it and you'll have dozens of CD's on the floors. I don't like it.
- "Guinness" branded plasticky table protector for the coffee table. I'd rather just have a wooden table. It looks gaudy, it looks cheap, no one will clean it.
Am I being a bit OCD? Or is it alright to hate clutter? How much clutter do you have? Is this post too long and clearly the product of someone who had a stressful day at work while being ill?