A QUIZ, of sorts... S2V7
After this V there will have been 500 questions used across all AQOS's (including special editions and one-offs). To mark this truly momentous milestone I have requested your ideas for questions along with your answers. Keep them interesting and widespread and remember they should be accessible, and not require any specialist or in depth knowledge.
Also there will probably a break of a week or two after this quiz. My intention is for there to be about 12 quizzes this season, and I think we're due a small break.
How to play:
PM me with a request for the questions, and I will send you them. You then PM me back your answers. All you have to do is guess what the most popular answer to all the questions will be.
You should format the PM with your answers as follows:
Answer one
Answer two
Answer three
There should be no numbers, and PLEASE DO NOT include the questions with your answers. All I basically want is your answers (concisely put), nothing else. Also REMEMBER TO ANSWER ALL THE QUESTIONS (there should be 15, count them before you send them in)!
The deadline for answers is this coming WEDNESDAY (the 17th).
Answers will be revealed on THURSDAY at 2pm.