Casual Racism
Have you heard any recently? couple of eg's from this week...
Was watching University Challenge with my Granny the other night (and kicking her ass with the answers, as it goes) and there was a question about the Qua'ran (it might not have been...casual racism on my part?)
Anyway this asian* looking chap buzzed in and gave the answer. Now, I knew what was coming..
My Gran piped up with 'well, he would know that, wouldn't he'
I told her this was not cool. certainly not to say it in public or whatever, but I wasn't gonna bust her balls about it. She's 91, ffs.
Second eg - earlier on today, my friend sent me a pretty racist joke. It was bloody racist, actually. I like this guy, but he works with a lot of 'lads' these days, so maybe his head has been twisted.
basically told him that he was a super cool guy and I loved him, but didn't dig on this sort of thing. He won't be in contact for a while, that's for sure.
I'm talking too much - any eg's of casual racism you wanna share? or talk about the subject in general.
*now, before some prick says 'hey, I watched University Challenge, he wasn't asian, you casual racist' I cannot remember specifically. so don't play that card
go for it...