You nosey neighbour!
Infinitely more intersteing than the origins of the Universe or what lies behind wishpig's scary door is the shite people a few doors down get up to
Obviously in post-Thatcher Britiain it would be wrong to care about your neighbours' welfare in any way but is still perfectly acceptable to take a completely unhealthy interest in their goings on in a detached, NIMBY way.
so my current mysteries
1)The partner of the rude, nasal woman downstairs who has a newish baby has gone....AWOL. Not seen him in months.....done a runner? Bit off, obviously, but not really knowing her that well or anything about her I would conclude she is probably a bit worse than Hitler to live with
2)the guy downstairs who sells conservatories and has recently got a new Audi and a constant smell of ganja from his front door. Drug dealer? fair play to the lad if so, one of the nicest guys I've met. Stops his car in the middle of the road to say Hi to you and give you a wave
3)the old guy that walks a blind cat on a piece of string.....not much of a mystery there....obviously scooped out it's eyes in a fit of rage and then felt bad about it afterwards.