Ongoing wrestling thread
I was off work sick yesterday so I decided to watch Raw for the first time since Raw 1000. I have to say I actually quite enjoyed it. The VKM-CM Punk match was surprisingly good. I'm starting to quite like Ryback, but I don't think Punk will choose him for HIAC. i think he'll go for Cena because he's beaten him plenty of times and he's got the elbow weakness to go for.
Punk is also in a shit load of real life trouble for hitting a fan when they were roughhousing him.
TNA's aces and 8s storyline is really dragging on after initially being quite good. I'm guessing Bully Ray turns on Sting at BFG and reveals himself as A&8s leader. On the whole, I'm quite looking forward to BFG. It's not been built up very well, but there are some matches I'm excited about just as a TNA fan really.