A question about honesty
too early in the morning? nah, never too early for a serious debate.
was chatting to my mum and other assorted family members the other day about honesty.
I was telling them that when I was an office drone, I used to help myself to stationery(ary) bits and bobs. post-its, staples, marker pens etc
they were a bit disgusted actually. what the hell, mum? this is a perk! I tried to defend my actions by saying I wouldn't nick a photocopier or whatever, but they were having none of it. Actually, my Granny didn't mind, but she had had a couple glasses of wine and was half asleep.
my mum said, and this has hit deep, that you are either honest or you're not. There is no grey area.
I always thought that I was 100% honest, but following my mum's scathing words, maybe I ain't.
For the record, I am a go-to guy with sound principles etc. Just want to point that out before the inevitable character assassination.
Talk about this, if you like