Has anyone here ever made one?* I'm a big fan of installing operating systems where they don't belong, I can dedicate hours of attention to figuring it out, not sure where I get the patience, I don't usually have it. Last year I managed to get Snow Leopard running on my Samsung 15 inch RC520, but couldn't get wireless internet working so I had to get rid of it. I was thinking of trying again now that Lion is out and should be more compatible with graphics cards and things like that. I'm not a massive fan of Windows 8 and have always preferred the Mac operating system so thought I might give it a go. Also I've come down with glandular fever so I have plenty of time on my hands.
Any PC builders around here that have some experience in this? Doesn't have to be Mac OS X, any of you Linux wizards out there?
*It's when you install Mac OS X on a PC