Sorry for the housemate whinge, but I was interested in seeing what the general feeling was, with this:
I live in a house of 5. 3 of us are working, and the other 2 aren't - spending most of the day at home.
My housemates that aren't working are asking to be able to put the heating on during the daytime. Personally I don't think it's that cold, and technically we've got another few weeks of autumn to go yet before winter starts. If we have the heating on all day 'and' all night - well, till about 11 in the evening - with another 4 months or so to go, it's going to be a damn expensive winter.
I don't really think this is fair. It's not our fault that they've not got jobs. Why should the heating bill potentially double for all of us because they feel like having a couple of months off work?
I've not said anything about it.