So I answered a personals ad on Craigslist yesterday
Inspired by some thread on here I've forgotten which. She said on her ad she was new to the city and would like a young man to show her a nice place and meet up for a chat. It wasn't overtly sexual but kind of flirty so I took the bait.
She replied with a photo; she's probably in her 40s but damn she is smoking. She has emailed me her number. It all seems a bit dodgy though and too good to be true. I think I might go ahead anyway, I mean what's the worst that can happen? If it's a scam then what would they stand to gain? I'm prepared to accept the photo may be fake but I'm more worried about my bank details being stolen or kidnapped or something. I can't see how this would happen though. I'm sensible.
Anyone have any experiences with this kind of thing?